"Aquello que no te mata... debería hacerte más fuerte" ;)
InfoSecMan Blog
Resumen Semanal desde Twitter (2011-09-25)
25 September 2011- 🙂 RT @GadixCRK: [Blog-Hispasec] All your yogurs are belong to us – http://x90.es/1sn #vayacoladero #scada #
- Quick and Dirty Vulnerability Trending (EnerySec Blog): http://t.co/fWiYcSvd #
- @Guillermo Guillermo, puedes darme la referencia del ponente, etc. para cuando la publiquen? (Espero :)) in reply to Guillermo #
- @Guillermo @subliminalhack Thanks Guillermo. I already knew the book. I'll wait for the pub in Brucon. AFAIK congrats @subliminalhack in reply to Guillermo #
- @subliminalhack Just talking about the contents of your presentation and that I hope it will be available soon for those not on Brussels 🙂 in reply to subliminalhack #
- I think Pandora's box is already opened ->"After Stuxnet, waiting on Pandora's Box (The Washington Post)": http://t.co/PnOc1DV4 #
- Camino a Madrid para asistir a una interesantísima mesa redonda sobre el estado de la Ciberseguridad en España #
- I like scifi very much 😛 @Cybercrime_IE: US Matrix-style Cyberwar firing range moves forward • The Register: http://t.co/3yEZ3Z65 #
- @NachoRedondo Alguna noticia nueva respecto a sus capacidades de seguridad? in reply to NachoRedondo #
- Oops @CSOspain: Dimite el director general de Panda Security
http://t.co/qwY2nvZq # - It's getting hot! 😉 @kanguru_news: Stuxpocalypse: Hide Your Women and Children! http://t.co/b0Ho5xv1 #infosec #stuxnet #cybersecurity #
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